Center for JOC Excellence and University of Texas at Austin are the education partners of the Job Order Contracting Professional Certification Program. CJE also administers the national credentialing program for both Certified Job Order Contracting Professional™ (CJP) and Assoc CJP. Obtaining the CJP credential is THE measurable standard by which one’s knowledge and experience as a JOC professional is determined.
About The JOC Education Center
Center for JOC Excellence and University of Texas at Austin, Cockrell School of Engineering, are the education partners of the nation’s only unbiassed and industry approved Job Order Contracting education & certification program. In addition to the basic JOC101 class, the JOC Best Practices™ class, and the certification class, CJE administers the national credentialing program for Job Order Contracting titled Certified Job Order Contracting Professional™ (CJP) and Assoc CJP.
- Graduating from the program provides evidence of education in approved Best Practices.
- Obtaining the CJP credential is THE measurable standard of knowledge and experience as a JOC professional.
The Certified Job Order Contracting Professional™ (CJP) designation program has grown exponentially, and now public agency solicitations are beginning to expressly evaluate team members with both certificate of completion for the training and the CJP designation. The credential validates expertise in the selection process.
The Job Order Contracting Certification Program provides owners and contractors a professional certification of the skills and knowledge needed to manage the job order contracting process.
Need recertification points for your CCM? We are an official provider so email [email protected] for details.
What is Certification vs. Credentialing?
Certification is the first step to credentialing. Successful completion of the JOC Training course either in person or online is a voluntary process and the certificate confirms the completion of the education program. The credentialing program recognizes the education and experience of an individual who meets the criteria and standards for either the Certified JOC Professional (CJP) or the Associate Certified JOC Professional (CJP Assoc). It is ongoing proof of expertise, commitment to ethics, and professionalism. It is maintained through CEUs. To become certified with a credential, an individual must meet qualifying requirements, take the examination, and once approved, an individual is conferred the credentials. Each certified professional must track and maintain CEUs for renewal on a tri-annual basis.

Certification benefits all parties involved in the construction process as it raises the standards of professional practices. CJPs practice with a high-level professionalism and ethics. Here are some other ways in which certification benefits those involved in program management, procurement, and construction:
Benefits to the Contractor
- Demonstrates and validates expertise to an evaluation committee when pursuing job order contracts.
- Is the recognized professional JOC credential indicating a high level of skill, knowledge, and best practices.
- Enhances an individual’s image as a professional to their employer, their clients and colleagues.
- Increases industry standing by meeting a national standard of professional practice.
- Create a differentiator when competing in the qualifications process.
Benefits to the Employer
- Provides a third party assessment of an employee’s JOC skills based on a comprehensive national standard.
- Provides a competitive advantage by showing the employers dedication to the professionalism of its employees.
- Enables professional development for career advancement.
- Provides assurance of employees continued professional development through the maintenance of their certification.
Benefits to the Owners
- Assigning a Contract Administrator, facilities manager, or procurement professional with credentials enables the public entity to implement successful JOC programs due to the expertise.
- Provides an increased level of assurance of the skills of their construction team.
- Provides a means to pre-qualify contractors who bid on their programs by requiring certified professionals and/or professionals that have completed the JOC training.
- Provides a higher level of assurance that their program is being managed effectively and efficiently by an experienced JOC professional.
- Peace of mind having a trained professional management team with credentials that understands the process.

Need to Register for the CJP Exam? Click Below

Members must email CJE to obtain discount code for online program registration. email [email protected] to obtain your Members Only discount code.

“It provides everyone an opportunity to learn and grow. It’s the only neutral source for information and professional JOC training.”
Mike Bevis, CJP, Chief Procurement Officer
City of Norfolk, VA

“This is very beneficial to owners who are thinking about or using job order contracting to learn how to properly integrate the system into their operations.”
James Norcom, Director Special Projects
University of Houston, TX

“It’s an amazing certification program comparable to the PMP or CCM but focused on JOC. The credential is a win/win for everyone and I highly recommend it.”
Alicia M. Nowaczyk, CJP, Project Executive
STV West Coast Division, CA

” This training is a great opportunity to gain a diverse perspective on job order contracting and learn from experts across the country. ”
Bob Carlson, VP Estimating
Hunter Contracting, AZ

“It’s an organized way to help owners and contractors learn best practices and improve programs.”
Rick Gehrke, CJP, Director of Public Works
City of Pacific, WA

“It’s an honor to speak in these classes. This is a top notch course and I send my staff to the training.”
Tauny Woo, PE, Engineering Flight Chief
Luke Air Force Base, AZ

“It’s for owners and contractors alike to gain perspectives and learn about JOC as a program.”
Jeff Kramer, City Engineer
City of Yuma, AZ

“I really enjoyed the course. Thank you for making this available.”
Mark Hodge, Director of Construction, Job Order Contracting
Staples Construction, CA

“I accomplished a big milestone in my career with my CJP credential. Thank you for the great program. It was better than I could have imagined.”
Joe Alvarez, CJP JOC Project Manager, Houston Airport System
City of Houston, TX

“The program is top-notch! I highly recommend it for every level of professional. It is comprehensive and hearing the owner’s viewpoint and the contractor’s makes it so valuable.”
Hanif Drzal, PE, CJP Branch Chief, Washington Aqueduct,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Baltimore District
ClickSafety Member Discounts:
Any of CJE’s members, staff, and associates can access our Member’s Only discount with the premiere ClickSafety online program. Safety comes first so we offer this resource to help our members save money and obtain excellent and flexible safety training. Just follow the link to get started and use our discount code. The discount code is CFJOCE. Think safe and be safe!
Please use the CJE members discount code to save money on ClickSafety training. The code is CFJOCE Questions? contact us [email protected].

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